Help Language Matters raise money for Mind

2nd März 2018

Hello everyone,

There is no doubt that here at Language Matters we like a good challenge , so we thought we would get part of our team to do a 10mile obstacle course and raise money for mental health at the same time. Some of our team will be taking part in a Tough Mudder event at the beginning of May –  Tough Mudder is a 10mile run with 20 obstacles, including but not limited to; ice plunges, wall climbs, mud pits, rope swings and electricity shocks (that’s right, electricity!!). The LM team will be put to the test mentally and physically.
From now until then, our Tough Mudder participants are going to be training physically and mentally to do their best and –most important- have an amazing time.

We are  proudly raising money for Mind, a fantastic charitable organisation offering information, advice and support to people with mental health problems whilst proactively increasing public awareness and understanding of issues relating to mental health and campaigning for the rights of people who have experience of mental distress.

Go to our justgiving page to read more about our story and to donate to this cause:

From now until May we will be posting updates of our Tough Mudders training in our justgiving but also in our brand new Instagram.

Bring it on!